Jay Boersma | American, 1947 -
M.F.A. 1976 Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI
major: Photography; elective work in ceramics and filmmaking
B.A. 1973 Columbia College, Chicago, IL
major: Art with photography emphasis and elective work in creative writing
Professional Experience
2000 - Present
Part-time Faculty, Columbia College, Chicago, Illinois
Teaching Web Design 1, an introductory-level course which emphasizes HTML coding "by hand."
1982 - 1996
Professor of Art, Governors State University, University Park, Illinois
Taught Graduate Art Seminar, History of Photography, Image Theory, Color Photography, Desktop Publishing, and other general art courses. Taught Governors State's first Internet-based course, The Gallery Electric: Chicago Art Criticism Online, in fall of 1993 and began teaching "Design for the World Wide Web" in 1994. Webwork, an offshoot of this web design course continues to be a widely used online tutorial.
1979 - 1981 Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign Taught Beginning and Advanced Photography including view camera and color courses.
1977 - 1979
Instructor, Bradley University, Peoria, Illinois;
Taught Beginning and Advanced Photography, 16mm Film Production and Film Appreciation.
Exhibitions & Publications
A Mind at Play, The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago IL, 2008, group exhibition
Beyond the Photographic Frame, The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago IL, 1999, group exhibition
Beyond the Photographic Frame, The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago IL, 1999, group exhibition
Simple Truths, Schneider Gallery, Superior Street, Chicago IL, 1995, one-person exhibition
The Gallery Electric, (an article about teaching via the Internet) published in Works and Days: Essays in the Socio-Historical Dimensions of Literature and the Arts (Indiana University of Pennsylvania Press)
Portfolio of photographs and photo-constructions published in the "Recycling History" issue (Fall, 1994) of Photovision, an international journal of photography published in Spain
Industrial Effects: Twentieth Century Photographs from the Art Institute of Chicago, The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago IL 1994
American Photographers: Recent Acquisitions, The Art Institute of Chicago, 1993
Repetition Compulsion, Again (Again), Soho Photo, New York, NY,1992
Repetition Compulsion, Again, ARC Gallery, Chicago, IL,1992
Midwest Photographer's Project, The Museum of Contemporary Photography (at Columbia College, Chicago),1991
Mirrors, Messages and Misunderstandings, Infinity Gallery, Governors State University, University Park IL, 1990
Changing Chicago, Chicago Cultural Center Exhibition and University of Illinois Press book publication, 1989
Hysterics of Photography, San Francisco Camerawork, San Francisco CA, 1989
Simple Truths, Chicago Cultural Center, Chicago IL; one-person show, 1989