Eliot Porter | American, 1901 - 1990
Porter's interest in photography began while studying and teaching medicine at Harvard University. Alfred Stieglitz was so impressed with Porter's early birds images that he gave him a show at an American Place. As a mature artist, Porter became one of the best-known landscape photographers of his generation. A concerned landscape photographer who devoted his picture making process to both political persuasion in the cause of conservation and the search for realism through an investigation of color photography. In response to the pictures from the Glen Canyon portfolio, Porter describes, "To put the world, and yourself at the same time, in a valid perspective you must remove yourself from the demands of both. In the wilderness of Glen Canyon you do not assail yourself. You glide on into the day unpursued, living, as all good river travelers should, in the present." Monographs of Porter included; Intimate Landscapes: Photographs by Eliot Porter, and Eliot Porter. His photographs are highly collected and are among the most prestigious museum collections including; The Museum of Modern Art, Metropolitan Museum of Art, and the Center for Creative Photography at the University of Arizona, Tucson.
Porter's interest in photography began while studying and teaching medicine at Harvard University. Alfred Stieglitz was so impressed with Porter's early birds images that he gave him a show at an American Place. As a mature artist, Porter became one of the best-known landscape photographers of his generation. A concerned landscape photographer who devoted his picture making process to both political persuasion in the cause of conservation and the search for realism through an investigation of color photography. In response to the pictures from the Glen Canyon portfolio, Porter describes, "To put the world, and yourself at the same time, in a valid perspective you must remove yourself from the demands of both. In the wilderness of Glen Canyon you do not assail yourself. You glide on into the day unpursued, living, as all good river travelers should, in the present." Monographs of Porter included; Intimate Landscapes: Photographs by Eliot Porter, and Eliot Porter. His photographs are highly collected and are among the most prestigious museum collections including; The Museum of Modern Art, Metropolitan Museum of Art, and the Center for Creative Photography at the University of Arizona, Tucson.